Carcross, Yukon Territory Montana Service and RV Park Today was another long day, but a great one. Harry and Carlena drove us to Skagway, Alaska. We knew it would be a big tourist trap but heard this was the best day as only 4 cruise ships were in the tiny town of 1,000 residents.
There was some spectacular scenery besides all the bears, moose, goats, and an eagle. The reflections made this lake look like a mirror.
When we were stopped for road construction the flagman told us where to get good fish and chips in Skagway.
We wanted to show Harry and Carlena the brothel in the Red Onion. The tour started at 11 but we had tickets for the Soapy Smith Saloon and base of operations tour by the park ranger at 11:15.
We had a guided tour by a National Park Ranger. One thing we were told was that tomorrow they start charging for the tour. Free is good.
Soapy Smith,the noted con man of Skagway fame, was born in 1860 and was killed in 1898.
We had just enough time from our Soapy Smith tour to the 1 pm walking tour of Skagway for lunch.
Since it was such a beautiful day we sat on the patio looking out at all the ships.
As we were sitting there guess who walks up--Sue Valentine. We told Sue that we passed Dennis and Carol Hill earlier as we were driving over the mountain today.
As we were walking over the bridge to the ranger building, we saw these two enterprising young boys in their underwear.
People have dropped money in the creek and they were wading out to get it. They had a pile of coins totaling $2.55. They did say the water was really cold. I guess I should mention that we've been to Skagway before. When we visited before there was a great display showing the year's worth of supplies that the prospectors were required by the Canadians to have before taking the
Chilkoot Trail to the Klondike gold rush.
When I asked the park ranger about the display, he said "Oh, you've been here before." A new display has replaced it with the empty crates depicting the supplies. The old display was so much better. Progress? What can I say about the guided walking tour? It won't be good. All four of us were upset with the direction the ranger gave regarding her personal feelings toward some events. Normally we really enjoy ranger talks and learn from them. Considering all the great ranger talks we've had in the past, I guess every once in awhile they can't all be great. In the past, we heard some interesting stories about the cribs where the whores worked, but all we were told today was this is a crib.
Even though the walking tour was disappointing, we still enjoyed the sites. This original building now houses the information center.
Every good tourist town has many ice cream stores.
It was really good. There were way to many choices to pick from.
If you been reading along for awhile, you know I've wanted a haircut, but there still isn't a hair salon here. Look at this driver of the truck, she needs one worse than me.
One of the gift shops had a very nice free museum with lots of interesting displays.
This is the world's largest baleen basket.
This was carved from ivory. The photo doesn't depict the detail or size.
Here's a moose we saw along the roadway.
We've seen a lot of bears and we've already lost track of the number of sightings, but it still is thrilling to see them in the wild.
Just black bears today, but we also saw one brown colored black bear.
Bill spotted this eagle. Our travels had us leave the USA and back into British Columbia and then into the Yukon Territories all of that in our hour drive. Turtle Safely.........
Carcross, Yukon Territory Montana Service and RV Park It's a good thing we didn't have far to go today, because we really crammed a lot into it.
Since Carol Hill took the last of the cinnamon buns yesterday as they traveled through Teslin, we had to get up early to get our own.
Harry and Carlena opted for one cinnamon bun and a chocolate brownie.
We were ready to hitch onto the truck before we picked up the cinnamon buns.
It didn't take us long to devour those buns and we were still on the road by 8:30.
A short distance down the road I saw this sign I had Bill turn in and Carlena and I ran into the store.
Someone has to be the judge and we decided we'd make the sacrifice. Members of the Loosey Goosey gang have not agreed on who has the best buns. Some say Johnsons Crossing and some say the Yukon in Teslin. Based on the taste test Bill and I both agreed Johnsons Crossing are the best.
Check out Carlena's blog to see how they voted.
We had about 10 kilometers of construction on our short trip to Carcross.
Today we got off the Alaska Highway and turned off onto highway 8 at Jake's Corner. I had to take a photo of these three street lights as it is something you don't see here.
We had some spectacular scenery as we turned onto the Klondike Highway.
Our GPS took us to this scenic overlook which was suppose to be a RV park. No problem we made a U-turn on the highway and went back about 5 miles to a park.
The name of this park is Montana Service and RV park. It's a combination RV park, laundromat, fuel stop, car wash, grocery and restaurant. Cost converted to US dollars was $24.12. Full hook-ups with free WIFI.
Once we were unhitched we rode into the small town.
The Visitor's center was nice, but a short step down in service and knowledge from the others we have visited.
It is probably the most touristy place we've been. Of course the cruise lines have tours to this town.
I thought Harry should pose for a photo with a train.
The bright colors on the totem poles and front of the buildings really showed against the clouds. It was partly sunny today but at least it was dry.
It was windy for a short period, but it did seem a lot cooler. Especially when you are wearing shorts.
We toured the McBride Museum of Yukon History which was free and didn't even have a donation jar. Carcross is where the Chilkoot Trail is located. This ship was built in Carcross in 1917 and sailed until the 1950's when it burned.
You can tell what a fine ship it must have been.
This town believes in history.
We took the walking tour of the town to see the old historical buildings. The visitor center gave us a booklet of all the history surrounding the buildings.
I loved the matching green birdhouse on the roof of this building.
When Carlena and I found out that the Matthew Watson General Store was the longest operating store in the Yukon Territories, we decided to make some history.
Someone has to do it, so I added to their economy.
Being from Arizona we had to check out the World's Smallest Desert. The winds were blowing like they do in Arizona.
It was truly amazing. I wonder what it looks like in the winter.
We decided to check out the tourist trap Caribou Crossing. You know it's a tourist trap when the whole place is full of buses from the cruise ships.
There were some animals in pens.
The sled dog puppies were "dog tired" Carlena said.
These sled dogs were waiting for the tourists to take them for a sled ride on wheels.
My thoughts exactly.
Luckily we haven't had any problems with mosquitoes, I hope the stories we've heard have all been stories.
Here's a photo of horny Bill.
Bill decided he likes our Mr. Big Buddy heater better than what was in this cabin.
After we returned to the RV park, we decided to stay an additional day. There's a lot to see and do in this area. I think we are getting used to the long days. When I looked out the bedroom window this morning at 3:30 am the sun was starting to come up. I think we're learning to go to bed with the sun up.
Here's the view from our living room, looking out the window.