Casa Grande, Arizona
Leisure Valley RV Park
I know it's been awhile since I blogged but other than doing honey do's and the annual doctor visits there hasn't been anything exciting going on until today.
Left to Right--bottom row
Pam Stapleton, Bill Mains, Carolyn and Craig Mills, Luella and Ray Steiner
Randy Stapleton, Carlena Schoolcraft, me, Jay and Gina Hurt.
Back Row--Harry Schoolcraft and Ed Allard
When we were at the Chapter 32 Rally in Usery Park I found a brochure on the Chandler Cook Out while shopping at Wild West Mercantile. I thought the event looked like a lot of fun so, during happy hour, I passed the brochure around.
Today was the day and what a fine day it was. I wasn't sure what it was all about but we learned enough that we are planning to go again next year.
There were 10 chuck wagon teams competing. At 10 am the tickets for the competition dinners went on sale. Carlena had our $15 a piece for our dinners and she stood in line while we went and checked out the chalkboard. Each of the teams are required to use the same ingredients in their cooking but each one had very different menus. I believe they said that each chuck wagon would feed 100 and when those 100 tickets were sold they crossed off that menu.
Once we all made our selections we walked around and enjoyed the music.
Last year the winner were chosen out of these categories: Overall lunch, Meat, Beans, Bread, Potatoes, Dessert, and Authentic Wagon.
Steve, The Trick Roper, was walking around and entertaining the people.
Gina and Jay bought catered dinner tickets in advance. It was a little confusing on the ticket sales. We didn't know if the competition dinner tickets sold out then you could buy the catered dinner. The Buffalo Chip Saloon Lunch had brisket, pulled pork, cowboy beans, quickdraw coleslaw, honey butter biscuits and fruit cobbler. Their dinners were $20 but they offered shady seating.
You could buy items from the blacksmith shop and watch them being made.
Needless to say, Bill loved the entire event. He said next year he's coming in his cowboy garb.
This was the Pick and Holler band playing. They played from 9 to 11:30. They were followed by August Manley's Waylon Jennings tribute. He sounded exactly like Waylon.
Bill just couldn't believe the size of the hat band hanging from the tent.
The historical society also gave tours of the McCroskey house.
We were told that the house is 100 years old and the McCroskey's had nine children. The house came in a kit.
I was going to take a photo of the huge portions and how different each of the dinners looked, but everyone devoured them so fast, I didn't get a chance.
There were tables set up, but we found enough shade for all of us to eat on the bleachers.

It was great fun and I'm sure we'll be doing this again next year.
It was nice that I could share our good news with friends. Bill had his cardiologist appointment yesterday and all his tests came back good. We're waiting for news on a skin biopsy but other than that, we're finished with doctors until our next 6 month check ups.

Life hasn't been completely boring. Bud and Susie Walsh are in town for a little while. Susie invited us over for dinner one night. We did manage another dinner at Manuel's Mexican restaurant. I was surprised that they hadn't been there before.

It was great seeing Zoey and Bud too.
Hopefully, it won't be so long between blogs next time.
Turtle Safely......