Our daughter, Nikki, called and wanted to know if I had marriage license, divorce decree and my birth certificate with us as she needs it to become a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Looks like she will have to order them off the internet.
Of interest in the museum was the Tongue River Tie Flume. The flume was essentially an elevated, V-shaped canal made of several million board feet of lumber. Consisting of several branches, the flume's combined length was approximately 35 miles. High and low trestles maintained the flume's downward slope which passed through several tunnels along the way.
The flume was built in 1893 where they transported the ties and lumber from the Big Horn Mountains camps to the Tongue River at the foot of the mountains.
Ties could reach speeds up to 80 mph. Lumbermen who were "thirsty" and wanted to get to town would ride down the flume. It was said they did it once and never tried it again. The demand for ties decreased and in 1913 it was shut down.
There was a large display of coal mining which died off, but since * 2012 is making a comeback.
We expected to see more of a display about the battle of Redbud but there wasn't a huge display.
This is a photo of buffalo in Kendrick Park. They also have elk. The park was beautiful and occupied by many families even though it was a weekday.
Nothing to say.......Escapees it's 4 pm!
Turtle Safely.......
Be sure to tell everybody hi for us. Looks like a great time.