Lazydays KOA #1357
I have been remiss in not posting two things that I somehow overlooked.
The first was our dinner with Lonnie Hodges and Becky Hazen and the Del Rosario's at the Tumbleweed Restaurant in Wickenburg. It was a fun evening and the waitress took a great photo of all six of us. You'll have to trust me about the photo. I must have downloaded it on the desktop at the house and don't have a copy in my laptop. The neat thing about this restaurant was they had a shot of dessert. It was dessert in a shot glass.
The next thing I didn't post was my gift I received from Sharon. She is very talented and can do anything with some yarn. She gave me this beautiful scarf in perfect colors to match my jacket.
We planned to meet Don and Sharon Del Rosario at Fry's around 9 am this morning. We pulled into the parking lot about 15 minutes early. What a treat we had watching all the motor homes try and get into the fuel station. Some tried to back up, some tried to turn around and go out the way they came in. Sharon arrived driving the motor home with Don following in the car. She pulled in, fueled up, and backed up a little and parked next to us while Don hitched up the toad. The fellow that was driving the Essex was still trying to hitch up. He was there long before Sharon arrived. We watched the wife who tried to help direct him out from the fuel pumps. The next thing we knew their poodle had jumped into the drivers seat while they were trying to figure out how to hitch the tow vehicle. Bill said "finally they have a good driver."
The winds were bad but blowing in the right direction. Traffic was light.
Check in was very smooth and quick. This is a beautiful park.
Bill's new glasses were bothering him so we took a quick trip to Costco for an adjustment. The store was almost empty and quite a change from our Sunday visit.
After leaving Costco we drove down to Green Valley to visit with our friends John and Karen Knoll. It's always such fun to get together with them. The only problem was when we were almost to their house, Sharon called to say that the registration and announcements were at 4 pm. We were suppose to bring appetizers. John and Karen wanted to show us their latest home remodeling projects. They have a beautiful home but no one would believe how much they've improved it. We visited with them for too short a time before we had to head back. Yes, I took the camera, but failed to take pictures.
It was 3 minutes to 4 when we got back. I grabbed a tray and threw some cheese together and we were the last to arrive.
It promises to be a great rally. Just right in the number of people. Jean and Marti are a lot of fun and we've already had a lot of laughter. I also didn't take the camera with me, but promise to include pictures tomorrow.
Don and I ordered cases for our pyrography stuff. They arrived today and everything fits in one place. Even my easel fits.
It's light unloaded but pretty heavy when everything is inside.
Lot's going on the next few days.
I also want to tell Dennis Hill that I didn't fall for it.
Turtle Safely.........
Fun and more fun. You guys wear me out.
ReplyDeleteI love the colors in the scarf.