Beluga Lookout Cabin and RV Park
The front row of motor homes left and there is only one in that row now. It surely gives us a much better view of the Cook Inlet.
Bill wanted to get the oil changed on the truck. We found an oil change place and they took the truck right in. Harry and Carlena were also having theirs done too.
Our truck was finished first, so we drove over to the Bargain Basement. It was a thrift store that had rooms that kept going and going. It didn't look very large, but ended up being huge inside and packed to the ceiling with stuff. Not that we found any stuff to take home, but interesting to see how valuable some of the stuff was and how cheap other stuff was.
Isn't she beautiful? While Harry had the cameras, a bald eagle circled over us. All this in the middle of town.
Bill and I had walked past the Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church yesterday when we took Boo for a walk on the beach. We took Carlena and Harry by it today to show it to them.
This church is one of the oldest standing Orthodox churches in Alaska which still holds regular services. It was constructed in 1894 and is a National Historic landmark.
When we came home, we walked down to the office and added another day here. It's such a beautiful location and other than the occasional airplane it's perfect.
Turtle Safely............
C'mon, moose are not beautiful.