La Pine, Oregon Newberry RV Park I drove the two hour trip from Klamath Falls to La Pine, Oregon. Bill took this photo through the windshield.
The drive was beautiful with lots of hills and gentle turns. I think there were lakes every mile. It's really very pretty country. I was happy that our site at Newberry RV was a pull thru with 50 amp full hook ups. This park was cheaper than the dump we stayed in at Klamath Falls. Ken and Phyllis came over to visit us after we arrived. Unfortunately, Ken forgot what park we were in and when he called Bill to find out, Bill had stepped outside to talk with our neighbors and missed the call. Eventually in this town of 1640 people they were able to find us. We followed them to their home. They were the couple I've told a few people about who really lived their dream. They used to live in Flagstaff, but grew uncomfortable with the town. Phyllis did some research on the internet and decided that La Pine was somewhere they wanted to live. They sold their home in Flagstaff and came up to La Pine to find a home. Did I mention that they also had a horse and four dogs?
Their home is perfect and everything they ever dreamed about. The horse greeted us as we entered the driveway. She has the perfect place too. They have fenced the property so that it is U shaped and she can run from one side to the other. Of course she also has a nice barn.
Even though the home is large, it still feels cozy. It was custom built and every detail is perfect.
They have two acres and the previous owners must have had many parties on the patios.
Phyllis has her own green house, and she used it all for fresh vegetables. The building to the left was a hot tub that Ken removed and is making another patio area.
They have neighbors but complete privacy with all the trees.
This is the back of the house. The room next to the garage is her sun porch which has many plants. The room above the garage is a hobby room where Phyllis does her internet work from. What a view she has out that window.
Phyllis had dinner for us, and she's a great cook. It was a wonderful evening.
Today they picked us up and took us up to Bend. I couldn't believe the difference in the temperature even though it's less than 30 minutes away. I have to say I forgot the camera and attempted to take photos on my phone. When I tried to load them into the blog the only photos that came up were ones I took on my old phone. If any readers know how to do this, please let me know. It was such a gorgeous day we walked along the river. Ken suggested two places for late lunch and we told him to pick. The Pine Tree sounds strange, but it has two giant trees in the middle of the dining room. The food was excellent and the view out the windows was very nice. They had a patio but it was too early in the season for it. This restaurant has been around over 80 years. They had some very private dining tables with curtains for intimate dining. We walked around the old town and I stopped in a few stores looking for new hikers that are waterproof. No luck with my foot that had the shattered heel. Bend's old town is very busy and people were just outside enjoying the day. Ken drove over to another section of the river that has been redesigned. They have the river divided into two sections for white water. One section had people in tiny kayaks and some standing on paddle boards. They were wearing wet suits and in some cases helmets. The other side had rapids that were much tamer. It's been a great visit and we've enjoyed seeing Ken and Phyllis and their home. Turtle Safely........
Bill's dentist appointment wasn't until 3:30 so we had time to visit a museum before the dentist. I thought the Baldwin Hotel Museum sounded a little different. The Hotel wasn't difficult to find. I was surprised when Bill found a parking space right in front of the door.
There was a reason we found that parking space.
How can a museum close for the season? Our next stop was the Chamber of Commerce and the Oregon Information office. Fort Klamath Museum sounded like something Bill would really enjoy. Anything that operated in 1863 is going to be right up his alley. Well it might if we ever come back to this area. It is open June through September. The Collier State Park Logging Museum was nearby but I wanted to check the hours before I got too excited about seeing it. We were closer on this one as it opens May 1-September 30. Needless to say we didn't go to a museum today. I did manage to get one photo of the many murals we passed in this town.
The good news, when we walked into the dentist office 20 minutes early they took Bill right back. He didn't have to fill out any new paperwork. The estimate was the exact estimate that the Casa Grande office gave us. Bill was pleased with his treatment. Tomorrow we will be staying in La Pine where Bill's cousin lives. We haven't seen Ken and his wife Phyllis in a long time and we're looking forward to seeing them. Turtle Slowly........
Oregon 8 Motel and RV Park Klamath Falls, Oregon Our neighbors were very quiet and left very early this morning. Our thoughts were to leave early to avoid a large line at the dump station. I believe we were ready to leave by 8 which is very early for us. We could have gone up to the hall for coffee but knowing us, we'd start talking and the early start wouldn't be so early. There was no line whatsoever at the dump station. Someone had installed a sewer hose so you didn't even need to get yours out. It sure made for a faster dump. We drove up highway 99 until we crossed I 5 at Red Bluff. The traffic wasn't bad and the road was fair. We saw lots of farm land. There were a lot of roadside wine and walnut stands. 111The terrain changed a lot in our short drive. We could see Mt. Shasta off in the distance all day.
The weather was a perfect temperature when we left the fairgrounds. The sun was shining but about 15 minutes later we ran into fog.
The fog didn't last long but we were grateful for the blue skies and dry roads. We only stopped once at a rest stop. The other ones were full and no where to stop. I was surprised to know that we were near Lassen Volcanic National Park. I must say, I've never heard of that park. Someplace else to add to the bucket list. We were definitely in the mountains. I watched the outside temperature change from the 70's to the 40's as we climbed the mountains.
I had thought we'd stop in Weed for the night and go into Klamath Falls the next day. It was still early and Bill said he felt fine, so we kept going until we reached the Oregon 8 Motel and RV Park.
Mount Shasta has lots of snow but at 14,162 you do expect it.
Since Bill has an appointment for some dental work, I made a reservation at this park. The KOA was full when I tried to make a reservation a couple of weeks ago. You know how I always say I don't make reservations, well here's the reason. When I looked at the photos of the park on the internet, it looked okay. But when we arrived it didn't look anything like the internet photos.
The building is the bath house.
Here's our neighbors.
The grass hasn't been touched since last year.
Picnic tables at every site.
On the plus side they are pull thru.
Would you say they are a little narrow? The problem is when you reserve, they take a day's rate for deposit. Take a look at their website and you'll see what I mean. It surely doesn't look like what I saw on the internet. Glad it's for only two days. Temperature is suppose to get down to 29 degrees tonight. Bill covered the water line so hope it doesn't freeze. Turtle Safely......
Yuba City, California Yuba Sutter Fairground It was cloudy and cooler this morning but it didn't put a damper on the rally. I'm so surprised with the weather forecast that we haven't had any rain while here. We were out the door by 8 am for the coffee and donuts. I wanted to attend Jim Koca's seminar so we hopped in the truck to get a few items at Walmart so we'd be back in time for the seminar. Bill wanted to top off the diesel in the truck. After seeing the California prices for diesel in Needles, we were pleasantly surprised to see diesel for $2.75.
Here's Susie and Bud with their golden retrievers, Khaki and Zoey.
Jim gave an excellent seminar on Boon Docking.
We walked over to see the dogs in the pet parade.
Considering all the dogs that we've seen here, not very many attended the pet parade. At announcements last night we were told that we couldn't go into Franklin Hall until 5 pm for the closing ceremonies.
There were lots of people waiting for the doors to open.
Everyone was wearing their fruits and nuts themed outfits.
The feathers on this hat lit up.
This lady in the black hat even had fruits on her dress.
Then the crowd parted as the golf cart delivered the "voice of the WARE" and the King and Queen.
They were driven into the hall and up to their throne.
They drew the winning tickets for the rest of the door prizes.
These gift baskets were huge and took two people to carry them.
The Voice.
This woman next to us won a nice rolling cooler. Don and Sharon had deposited their ticket for the outdoor fireplace as they really wanted one.
Guess what they won?
These were just some of the volunteers that helped with the rally.
Sandy Bush received these beautiful flowers.
We all enjoyed our catered dinner.
I can't ever remember having such a wonderful catered meal.
Susie didn't realize that the white sauce was horseradish for the tri tip.
Do you think Bud is having a good time?
After the meal all the tables were put away as we had entertainment.
Here's all the decorations that were made for the tables.
There was a singer/songwriter from North Carolina who has won some awards.
Our "voice of the Ware" performed with Bradon. Carol reminds me so much of one of our MOC friends, Vicki Allen. I'm sure they have to be related.
The best part of the entertainment was the comedian. He had us laughing so hard. I wish I could remember all the things he said. After the entertainment, we said our "see ya's" in case we don't see anyone in the morning before everyone departs. We've attended a lot of rallies, but this one is one of the best. I'm sure we'll be back. Turtle Safely.........
Yuba City, California Yuba Sutter Fairground How many of you that read yesterday's blog noticed I didn't know where I was? No need to go back, I changed it from Tuba City to Yuba City. Thanks Don and Sharon. Yesterday while we were visiting Don and Sharon, Bill sat on their steps. Well, we do forget about dew when we get away from the desert. Gigi came over and sat on Bill's foot, so he wouldn't quit petting her. When he got up the whole backside of his jeans were wet. Picture today when we walked in for the provided biscuits and gravy breakfast. Sharon told Bill he couldn't sit down yet. She pulled out a wee wee pad for him to sit on. Hope we can housebreak him soon.
We all had a good laugh. The biscuits and gravy were delicious and they also had a table full of fruits to go with it.
There was a seminar on electricity following breakfast that we went to. I've been telling Bill the last week that I wanted to take the fireplace out and see what is wrong with the fireplace. It heats fine but the flickers quit again. It's happened before and I've taken it apart and when I put it back together it starts working a day or two later.
Bud came over and put the tester on it, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong either. Susie helped me put it back together.
Didn't we look like a professional company putting it back together?
Well the bad news, I still don't have any flickers. The bulbs are fine.
Susie and I headed back over for a seminar called Women and RV's by Rachael Harp. I thought it would tell us about cooking or cleaning. Was I ever wrong. Rachael announced right away if that was what we came for, to leave. She talked about maintenance and maintaining your RV. She was very informative. Rachael still had stuff to give us, so when it was 3 pm, she said she'd stay longer, if we wanted to hear more. We stayed longer, but had to really hurry to go get our dish for happy hour at 4 pm. I have to say we were a perfect 10. When the door prizes were given out all 10 of us at our table won.
Do you like the blinking ears? Sharon was wearing them, but somehow I ended up with them.
Do you think what was in the brown bottle might have anything to do with the blinking ears?
Tracy and Jeff were the first to win at our table.
No sooner had they unwrapped their gift than Bud and Susie won.
Bud won another bottle of booze.
I almost didn't hear our name called next.
We won some lobster beach towels and a gift certificate for a free RV night at an Escapees Rainbow park.
Lisa and Jim Koca's name was drawn and they declined a prize. I turned to Sharon and Don as the last prize winner was drawn. Every night the last prize has been a huge gift basket. I said they have to pick you, you're the only one at this table who hasn't won.
Jim delivered the last gift basket and it was to Don and Sharon. It's difficult to see all the items that were in this huge basket.
It was so much fun to see them win.
Sharon neglected to see all the things in the basket, so I took one of the items out of the basket for a photo. Can you tell what she is holding?
Carol who has been the voice of the rally, took a short break from all the announcements she's made throughout the rally. The fashion show began at 5 pm.
Here's Sandy Bush modeling an outfit.
Everyone enjoyed the show, and all the participants did a great job. It's hard to believe tomorrow is the last full day of the rally. Turtle Safely.......