Missouri State Fairgrounds
Anyone that follows this blog knows I don't blog unless there is something interesting happening or a unique place we visited. I never felt like my readers were interested in how we slept or we what we had for dinner. That being said, this past week there was so much going on it was impossible to find a few minutes to blog as there was so much to blog about.
I'll try and highlight a few things as there has been so much going on that it is all a blur now. Here's Jean and Duane hosting the 40th anniversary opening ceremony.
Jean and Duane Mathes kicked off the opening ceremonies. There were some nice prizes given away. Randy Osborn won $250 during the opening ceremonies. We introduced them to the Montana Owners Club last fall. They just happened to be at the Elkhart County fairgrounds before the Montana rally.
The opening ceremony was followed by an ice cream social.
At 7 pm we all went back over to the air conditioned Mathewson Center for door prize drawing and entertainment. Rondo and Mary were delayed as they had driven to Michigan for Charlie Benton's memorial service. We knew parking closed at 2 pm but made arrangements for them to still be able to arrive, get parked and get into the building for the show and prize drawing.
We were concerned about filling all the volunteer positions as they were filling slowly as compared to years before. Jim Tidball made announcements about what we needed filled and the next day they were almost all filled.
I did manage to walk through the Escapade market. This is the first time in 10 years that we didn't purchase anything. We always find something that we didn't have before.
I have to mention that Lisa Koca bought a wig in the marketplace. Now anyone that knows Lisa knows she is very pretty and has beautiful hair. It's no secret that she dyes her hair to hide the gray. She walked over to our booth and asked us what we thought of the wig she was wearing. It was gorgeous. Bill wanted me to buy one but I can't stand to wear sunglasses or a headband without getting a headache. I could have sworn I had a photo of the new look but I'm sure there is one on facebook.
I think we only went over to Paul Evert's happy hour once as we didn't have time. It wasn't the same without Johnny Goodrum's music.
Debby and Mary are up very early getting the coffee and donuts ready for everyone. The total number of cups of coffee and donuts were announced at closing ceremonies.
Did I mention the highlight of the Escapade? I received a call to come pick up my prize in the marketplace. I won a backup camera set that was worth over $500 from Tuson RV Brakes.
It's really nice and much nicer than the Voyager that we have on there now.
Chapter 45 was well represented. Pam and Randy Stapleton manned the row booth.
The Baker's were kind enough to watch the booth for Pam and Randy so they could attend some classes. Pam and Randy had never been to an Escapade before.
It wouldn't be Sedalia if we didn't go to Colton's. Back in 2009 Sandie Dixon arranged a dinner for the entire class of 2009. The food was just as good. Whenever we get a group of Montana owners together, I've always called it a Montana Mingle. The neat thing about this group was that everyone won a prize during the Escapade.
The Escapade had a photo contest this year. These photos were all displayed in the Row building. I realized that many people in the past never even went in the building to check out the chapters but with the photo contest in the same building it drew in more people. After listening to people, I think there will be many more photos entered in next year's Escapade in Tucson. Lora did announce that they would also have a junior division for the younger members.
One evening for entertainment REZA, who is an illusionist kept everyone on the edge of their seats. He was excellent. I believe the entertainment at this Escapade was better than we've ever seen.
We didn't get a chance to see the pet parade or even go in the craft building. I was at the Volunteer booth during the ladies social and saw the room packed.
One thing that we watched was a parade of men that headed to the wrong restroom. Can you see the M E N on the wall on the left hand side of this photo? Well the W O was hidden by the banners.
This group played music during the chili cook off. I liked this music better than the night before. Cole can really sing well.
John and Karen Knoll have been friends for a very long time. When she found out our EMS quit, they lent us a 50 amp surge protector. Progressive Industries has been bought out and the customer service isn't the same. In the past, when the unit sacrificed itself, you sent it back and in a few days, they returned it to you. Now this company needs a form filled out, receipts, photos and much more before you can even start the return process.
Guess who was one of the winners of the chili cook-off.
Something else that was new this year was the street festival. What a brilliant idea! I'm sure they didn't realize how many would show up or there would have been more vendors.
I wanted a pizza but opted for something else when I saw the long line. I was surprised that the craft beer and wine didn't have long lines. The music was great and everyone seemed to sit back and enjoy talking with everyone or dance in the street. I think people started unwinding. I have to admit that I tired out before Bill and we left before the fireworks. Of course, since we go to winter blast, any fireworks show isn't the same.
I think the corn dogs were the favorite food item as the lines were shorter. Harry, you would have loved this one.
Oh yes, you're wondering how many attended this year. Jean announced at closing ceremony that 1241 people and 40 kids attended for a total of 1281.
We were probably the last ones to go to the hitch up breakfast. The rigs started rolling out, but I'm surprised by how many are still here. I did notice that a tow truck was standing by in case someone needed one.
We're going to stay put for a few days and just veg.
Turtle Safely......
Great seeing you. Have a nice summer and we will see you down the road.